Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Analysis of the geospatial relationship of global system for mobile communications base transceiver stations to buildings in umuahia municipal, Abia state Nigeria. (gis and remote sensing)

This study spatially analyzed the distribution of GSM Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in Umuahia Municipal Council, Abia State, Nigeria. The Base Transceiver Stations were identified and GPS coordinates taken. Buffer analysis and proximity analysis was done to determine the BTS that was erected in line with Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC), Nigeria Environmental Standard and Regulation Enforcement Agency, (NESREA) and World Health organization (WHO) standards. These Base stations were mapped using NCC, NESREA and WHO standards for locating GSM Base Station; BTS must be erected 5 meters and 10 meters away from residential building. Spatial data of the GSM Base stations (BTS), Quickbird Satellite image of Umuahia Municipal Council, field survey, Geographic Positioning System (GPS), record from various BTS owned by the various service providers in Nigeria were used for the study. The criteria for the location and distribution of the base station masts were also tested using the 5m, 10m, 15m and 20m buffer zone tests. The result revealed 61 GSM Base Stations in the study area, 6 was not in line with NCC Standard of 5 meters, 22 was not in line with NESREA and WHO while the remaining 32 conformed with these standards. Proximity analysis was shown as maps and tables within the study area. It was also observed that some service providers were found to have violated the standards by locating their facilities close to where people live. The spatial distribution of these facilities within the residential areas also exposed such areas to the effect of electromagnetic radiation and fumes from the generators at the Base Stations and subsequently leading to several diseases. Regulatory agencies should keep checks on service providers and make sure they adhere to standards when constructing BTS.

Peter Chibuike, C., Alozie M. C. and Ezirim, O. N
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