Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Microbial Quality And Chemical Adulterants Evaluation In The Raw And Pasteurized Milk

Milk is considered as a complete diet as it contains the major elements required for the growth and maintenance of body like proteins, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins but it has been observed that it also acts as suitable medium/vehicle for the pathogenic/spoilage microorganism. It is also likely to be contaminated intentionally/unintentionally at various level of production, processing and marketing. Therefore, the present study was conducted with an objective to assess the quality of market milk available in and around Ludhiana. Fresh and pasteurized milk sample were collected hygienically and subjected to various physico-chemical and microbiological analysis. Among all the adulterant tested in raw milk 10% sample are positive for starch and 20% positive for carbonate, however pasteurized milk sample negative for all test. Results for the methylene blue reduction test (MBRT)30% poor, 10% excellent, 50% fair and 10% are good for raw milk samples, however for pasteurized sample 40% are excellent and 60%are good. For the isolation of the microorganism in both raw and pasteurized sample Salmonella 9.1%, Proteus 13.6%, E. coli 31.8%, Klebseilla18.2% unidentified 13.6% and no coliform 13.6% are positive.

Ritu Tangri and Anshu S. Chatli
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