Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

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Medical identity theft; a systematic review of some selected literatures

Medical identity theft is the fraudulent use of an individual’s personally identifiable information (PII), such as name, social security number, and/or medical insurance identity number to obtain medical goods or services, or to fraudulently bill for medical goods or services using an unlawfully obtained medical identity. Unfortunately, the definition of medical identity theft (MIDT) and the consequences that are associated with the crime are not common knowledge to the general public. The study was a systematic review of some related literatures combined with life experience in order to bring forth a lasting measure of preventing medical identity theft Cases of identity theft are increasing, with incidents of identity theft rising more quickly (Cullen, 2007). Identity theft can be financial, medical, and character-related, with parents being the most common perpetrators.This study examined the experiences of medical identity theft victims using a phenomenological approach. The experiences of victim of medical identity theft are presented because of its financial, physical and emotional consequences that may result from this crime. A variety of negative emotions were experienced by the participants, including anger and fear. It was reviewed that Participants felt a lack of support from their families as well as law enforcement and other agencies from who help was expected. Medical identity theft can have a negative impact on reputation, consumers expect healthcare providers to be proactive in preventing and detecting medical identity theft. These trainings need to go beyond.A conclusion and recommendations were made which shows that Medical identity theft is a complex crime, and a collaborative effort among individual victims, health information management technologists, institutional security officers, law enforcement, healthcare providers and payers is required to combat its effects.

Sulaiman Bdamasi and Nasiru Sani
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