Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Mass transfer in circular pipe using square grooved cleaved disc as turbulence promoter

Stud The present study comprises of the evaluation of mass transfer rates at the outer wall of the electrochemical cell. Mass transfer coefficients were evaluated from the measured limiting currents technique. The study covers the influence of various diameters of the disc (Dd), thickness of disc (Td) and positions of disc(h). The results have revealed that the mass transfer coefficient increases with increase in velocity, diameter of the disc (Dd), thickness of disc (Td) and decreases with increase in distance of disc from entrance of the test section(h). Within the range of variables covered, the augmentations achieved in mass transfer coefficients were up to 2.08 fold over the tube flow in absence of a promoter. Mass transfer rates were analyzed with mass transfer roughness function and roughness Reynold`s number. The correlation achieved is JD = 128.40(Re+)-0.9753 (f1)0.9224(f2)0.1785 (f3)0.4109

Sreenamma, B., Uday Kumar, K., Sai Neeharika, L., Naga Rajini, M. and Nageswara Rao, V.
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