Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Implant backtracking- a valuable tool in forensic identification – an advanced radiological study

Introduction: Scientific Advancements come as a boon to mankind. Mishaps bring doom. In mass disasters such as aircraft crashes or bomb blasts where there is gross mutilation of bodies, there has always been a search for the ideal clue which can help in individual identification. There is a demand that the remains be high temperature resistant and can directly point out to the individual without too much hassles. This retrospective study investigates one such valuable evidence- Implants Aim: To retrospectively correlate Radiographic images of implants with their shapes and designs in catalogues, and Identify Implant Brand with which Person identification can be deciphered from the implant database Method: 40 implant images will be correlated on basis of implant shapes, size and designs with the implant catalogue/ Library tool, and the implant brand will be recognized. Result: Out of 40 implant images assessed, a positive correlation was seen in 33 cases. The study found that dental implants could be radio graphically differentiated by company type.

Saraswathi Gopal, K., HarshaVardhan, B.G. and Naveen Kumar.B
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