Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Hydrocarbon reservoir characterization using well log in halewah oilfield, marib-shabwa basin, Yemen

The purpose of this study was to decipher some petro physical properties of studied wells in Halewah Oilfield, block-5, Marib-Shabwa basin, Yemen. Reservoir characterization of hydrocarbon reservoirs using well logs have been carried out in order to evaluate the field’s hydrocarbon prospectivity, delineate hydrocarbon and water bearing zones and petro physical properties of the Alif reservoir. Alif reservoir is mainly made up of sandstone sediments with bands of shale that contain a substantial amount of proven oil in the Halewah Oilfield. Data from four wells comprising of gamma ray, resistivity, neutron, density logs were used for the study. Gamma ray log was used for lithology differentiation, Resistivity log was used to identify form the response of resistivities of various zones. High resistivity denotes hydrocarbon bearing zone while low resistivity value indicates water bearing zone or shaley zones. The combined density and neutron logwas used for the identification and differentiation of the various fluids (Oli and Water) in the reservoir. Computer-assisted log analyses were used to evaluate the petro physical parameters such as shale volume, total porosity, effective porosity, water saturation, hydrocarbon saturation, flushed zone saturation and reservoir and pay flags. Cross-plots of the petro physical parameters versus depth were illustrated. The results from the study showed that the Alif reservoir is capable of yielding appreciable hydrocarbon. The Upper Jurassic Alif reservoir reflects that the matrix components are mainly quartz and shales. Moreover, the lithological-geologic model reflected that these shales are strongly affecting the porosity and, consequently, the fluid saturation in the Alif reservoir, especially in the lower part of reservoir. The results from the study showed that the maximum Net-Pay is 64.79 m recorded around Halewah-02 well whereas minimum is 3.78 m recorded around Halewah-09 well. The evaluated petrophysical parameter indicated that effective porosity (PHE) ranges between (13-34%), water saturation (SWE)range between (13-31%), hydrocarbon saturation SH range between (69-88%), and permeability (220-12250).The Alif reservoir reveals promising reservoir characteristics especially the upper reservoir unit. The northwestern area should be taken into consideration during future development of the oilfield area.

Albaroot, M., Ahmad A.H.M., Nabil Al-Areeq and Hamdi Aldharab
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