Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Haemocyte count in silkworm bombyx mori l.: a comparative study in different multivoltine races

The total and differential haemocyte counts were carried out in three different multivoltine races of BombyxmoriL. from 4th moult day upto the last day of 5th instar larvae. Total haemocyte count was found more at 5th day of 5th instar larvae in all the races under study but the more count was found in Nistari race (13785.50 ± 470.23) than Pure mysore (10713.50 ± 1723.22) and Kolar gold (10048.50 ± 246.78). In differential count seven types of haemocytes were found viz., Prohaemocyte (PR), Granulocyte (GR), Spherulocyte (SP), Plasmatocyte (PL), Adipohaemocyte (AD), Coagulocyte (CO) and Oenocytoid (OE). In Pure mysore high Adipohaemocyte and Coagulocyte count were observed; Nistari having high count of Prohaemocyte, while Kolar gold having high Plasmatocyte, Spherulocyte, oenocytoid and Granulocyte count.

Yojana S. Munivand Ganesh P.Bhawane
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