Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Governance in non-governmental organizations

The Good governance in the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is about both achieving desired results and achieving them in right way; that is, in a way consistent with normative values of democracy and social justice. NGO board members are responsible for defining the organization’s mission and; for providing overall leadership and strategic direction to the organization. Now-a-days, NGOs face serious challenges to create a better public understanding of its functions and role, due to their failure in good governance practices especially in Tamil Nadu State of India. To identify the NGOs’ existing governance practices such as, governance model development, mission, strategic plan, value statement etc., the researchers categorized the organizations into various status namely, International, National, Regional and Local based on their servicing geographical areas and identified their practices. The result implies that majority of the International and National level NGOs’ practices are some what better. But the Regional and Local level NGOs do not understand that Governance is their road map. The current study suggests the NGOs governing bodies to reconsider their mental outlook towards good governance practices.

Kamaraj, J and Pragadeeswaran, S
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