Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Gd cow: a phenomenon much different and dangerous than the gm cow

GD Cow or genetically damaged cow is the one which obviously has damaged DNA. It is entirely different from the GM or genetically modified cow which has a modified DNA. The term modification is a moderate one; often its use is on the positive side but damage is a very destructive term and unfortunately, most of the time it is used with a negative meaning. Here in present case we are debating the use of these terms with reference to the application of sexed semen technology on dairy animals, mainly cows and other related mammals and the outcome is very interesting. The semen sorting methodology certainly produces defects of genetic nature in sperms and this is the basis of present story. This defective sperm with damaged DNA certainly produces a defective zygote upon its fusion with the ovum. Henceforth with, this damage is carried forward very naturally via the route of the formation of a defective embryo, fetus or a neonate. This neonate as defective it is by birth will be more susceptible to the forces of lysis upon reaching youth and maturity and if survived will certainly produce future offsprings with defective DNA. The damage to the DNA in sperm is inevitable and unintentional as it is the inherent outcome of the process of sexed semen manufacture but ramifications as always upon intrusion with natural genetic balance of species, formed and maintained by Mother Nature are varied and not only unwelcome but ominous too.

Aulakh, B.S.
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