Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Evaluation of the seroprevalence of the coccidian parasite toxoplasma gondii in al-ajailat region, Libya.

Background: Toxoplasma gondii is a tissue-cyst-forming coccidian, ubiquitous, and an obligate intracellular parasite where felids are the definitive hosts with complex life cycles. There are three infective stages of T. gondii which exist in the environment. Tachyzoites, crescent to oval shape, are seen in acute infection and are transmitted through the placenta from mother to fetus, blood transfusion, or organs transplantation T. gondii can also be transmitted not only between intermediate and definitive hosts (sexual cycle) but also between intermediate hosts via carnivorous (asexual cycle). Objectives: The aim of this study is to determining the seroprevalence of txoplasmosis among different ages and genders. Methods: Blood samples were collected from 630 persons, samples collected from different locations in Al-Ajailat region from different ages, and genders. Samples were examined for the presence of antibodies of T.gondii infection by ELISA bioassay test. Results: Out of 630 tested samples, the seropositivity by ELISA IgM and IgG recorded (22.5%) and (12.4) among (16-26) group, (27.5%) and (17.6) among (27-37) group, (50.0%) and (17.6) among (38-48) group, and (0.0%) and (11.8) among (49-59) group and (38-48) group, (0.0%) and (6.7) among (≤60) group. On the other hand, seropositivity by ELISA IgM and IgG recorded (25.0%) and (41.2) among males and (75.0%) and (58.5) among females. Moreover, Seropositivity by ELISA IgM and IgG were (50.0%) and (17.6) among singles and (50.0%) and (82.4) among marred samples. The seropositivity IgM and IgG recorded (50.0%) and (50.0%) In perversely aborted group, and the same rates in non-aborted ones. Seropositivity by ELISA IgM and IgG recorded (00.0%) and (10.0) for congenital malformation syndrome group and (100.0%) and (90.0%) for no congenital malformation group. Conclusion: The highest prevalence of T. gondii infection recorded in the age groups of (38-48) followed by (27-37) years estimating 39.5%, and 20.5%, respectively with (x2= 52.59**). The seropositivity among males and females recorded 40% and 60% respectively with (x2= 9.21**). On the other hand, the seropositivity among singles and married recorded 25% and 75% respectively with (x2= 3.72*). The seropositivity among women who had previously abortion recorded 50% with (x2= 0.2NS) while the prevalence in congenital malformation recorded 9.1% with (x2= 17.74**).

Almabruk A. Al Hireereeq, Alansary R. Elkhouly and Najat. M. Mansour
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