Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Ethnobotanical survey of antimalarial plants of Odisha, India

Malaria is one of the most common major health problems all over the world. In developing countries, where malaria is endemic, depend strongly on traditional medicine as a source for inexpensive treatment of this disease. It is important that antimalarial medicinal plants are investigated, in order to establish their efficacy and to determine their potential as sources of new antimalarial drugs. In this study, we evaluated the claimed antimalarial properties of eighty nine plants used in traditional medicine against malaria fever, mainly Odisha regions. However, traditional remedies against malaria are practised among the rural communities because of ease of availability and convenience and also due to social, psychological and cultural reasons. Eighty nine plant species belonging to 49 families were documented during the study. Asclepiadacdeae, Apocynaceae, and Fabaceae families represented the species most commonly cited in treatment of malaria.

Pattanayak, B., Dhal, N.K. and Sagarika Parida
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