Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Estimation Of Profit Function And Supply Response Of Corn Comodity In Jambi Province – Indonesia

This research aims to; [1] Analyze the profit function and supply response of corn comodity, [2] Analyze the impact of changes in inputs and outputs to change output supply of corn commodity. This research uses time series data of structure costs from 1990-2016 of corn production in Jambi Province. While estimation of profit function and offer response of output supply with the translog profit function model approach. And the scenario of corn commodity development policy by simulating the estimation model, the result of the research show that ; output supply [corn] is not only affected by the price itself but also affected by the price of input used. Output Supply behavior affected by the price itself and input price. Corn supply elasticity to price itself is elastic. Input demand is not only affected by the input price itself and other input but also affected by the price of the corn produced.Behavior of demand for urea fertilizer input affected by the price itself, TSP fertilizer prices and corn prices. The elasticity of urea fertilizer demand for the price of the fertilizer itself is inelastic.

Saidin Nainggolan, Adlaida Malik, Sa’ad Murdy and Rikky Herdiyansyah
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