Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effects of the forms of presentation of the concentrated feed on the digestibility and the growth of achatina achatina (linné, 1758) in above-ground farming (Côte D’ivoire)

The study of the effects of the presentation forms of the concentrated food on the digestibility and growth of Achatina Achatina (Linné, 1758) was carried out from November 2008 to May 2009 at the experimental farm of the Nangui Abrogoua University in Côted’Ivoire. 4 forms of presentation of the concentrated feed (granulated, platelet, crushed and flour) were tested on the apparent digestibility and growth performance of A. Achatina. This study found that concentrated food presentation forms influence food intake, food waste and weight growth. The granulated and platelet forms of the concentrated feed were consumed better (0.64 g/d/g of snail and 0.58 g/d/g of snail) and wasted less (0.12 g/d/g of snail and 0.17 g/d/g of snail) than the crushed and flour forms (0.48 g/d/g of snail and 0.43 g/d/g of snail for consumption food; 0.32 g/d/g of snail and 0.41 g/d/g of snail for food waste).The forms that induce better weight growth in decreasing order are: granulated (0.43 g/d), platelets (0.4 g/d), crushed (0.31g/d) and flour (0.28 g/d) j). However, the study did not reveal any influence of the form of presentation of the concentrated feed on shell growth and apparent digestibility in dry matter. Gains of 61 days, 45 days and 14 days of breeding were obtained respectively with the granulated, platelet and crushed form compared to the flour. The granulated and platelet forms are best suited for anyone who would like to engage in breeding this species on a concentrated feed.

KOUATO Fulgence, KOUAKOU Fokouo Kessia Irène, AMANI N’dri Saint-Clair, OTCHOUMOU Atcho
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