Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Effect of spent mushroom substrate (oyster mushroom sms) on the growth in nurseries of the fraké (terminaliasuperba) and the framiré (terminaliaivorensis) at daloa (central west of Côte D’ivoire)

Fraké and Framiré are among the main timber products in West Africa. They are used extensively in carpentry and in pharmacopoeia. This work consisted in comparing the effect of different doses of organic fertilizers, particularly residual substrate to the production of oyster mushrooms on the growth and development of young plants of Fraké (Terminaliasuperba) and of Framiré (Terminaliaivorensis). To do this, direct seedling of Fraké and Framiré seed was carried out on various substrates consisting of five doses of this organic fertilizers (T0 = control, T1 = 10 t/ha, T2 = 30 t/ha, T3 = 40 t/ha, T4 = 60 t/ha) using a system of complete randomized blocks with three repetitions and two levels of factors. Plants were followed through of the plant growth parameters (stem height and diameter). Analyses of the results showed that in Fraké, all doses induces greater growth compared to the control (T0). The T4 dose (60 t.ha-1) was the most significant, with a dominant height of 14,70±1,57 cm and an average diameter of 3,88±0,12 mm at the last data (15th week after seedling). In Framiré, analyses of the results of all growth parametres studied were statistically insignificant (P≥0,05) at any doses level. In short, SMS appeared as an organic fertilizers capable to fertilizing the soils through its richness in organic matter and to positively influence growth of Fraké plants.

SOKO Dago Faustin, KOTCHI Valère, KOFFI N’Dodo Boni Clovis, KOUAME Adou Pangny Raymond and AKE Sevérin
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