Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Design sensitivity analysis of evaporator using chemcad

CHEMCAD can perform complex design sensitivity analysis in short time, record and recall information with consistency and speed. One of the important process activities in chemical engineering is the concentration of the liquor in an evaporator. Parameters that determine the performance of a calandria evaporator are outlet concentration of liquor and steam economy. These parameters are studied by performing variations in designing parameters of the calandria evaporator using CHEMCAD. The simulation is performed by changing designing parameters such as number of tubes, inner diameter of tubes and length of tubes. All these simulations are carried out at different feed temperatures. Design sensitivity studies can be used to identify the role of important design parameters and to propose an optimal setup also. This paper presents a systematic approach for design sensitivity analysis of calandria evaporator by changing design parameters. An increase in the outlet concentration of liquor and steam economy of evaporator with the rise in number of tubes, inner diameter of tubes and length of tube has been observed. These two parameters also increase with increase in feed temperature.

Dr. Sameer M. Wagh, Divya P. Barai and Megha H. Talwekar
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