Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  


Culture has a significant role in international relations. The cultural identity, values, and social norms of a country's society can influence its foreign policy, perceptions of other countries, and the way that the country interacts with other countries in the international arena. This study aims to further explore how Indonesia, as a country that has cultural diversity, seeks to carry out cultural diplomacy to increase its soft power in international relations. Indonesian cultural diplomacy is pursued through three main instruments, namely the Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship (IACS), the empowerment of Indonesian people (diaspora) abroad, and the use of digital media. This study is library research with qualitative methods through document review, interviews, questionnaires, and literature studies. The results of this study show that Indonesia's cultural diplomacy is still having several limitations that will impact the achievement of Indonesian diplomacy results. The weakness of Indonesia's cultural diplomacy is caused by several factors, namely too many soft power assets whose existence has not been managed optimally, limited budget, and the number of Human Resources (HR) in the Public Diplomacy Directorate of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs who carry out Indonesian cultural diplomacy, and the absence of a white paper related to diplomacy Indonesian culture. In addition, the absence of a centrally managed IACS alumni association in Indonesia and the lack of involvement of Indonesian domestic audiences in discussions related to foreign policy and instruments of Indonesian cultural diplomacy are also factors that cause the weakness of Indonesian cultural diplomacy.

Rizki Damayanti
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Journal Area: 
Social Sciences and Humanities