Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 02, February 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Comparative study on hardened properties of self compacting cement Concrete and scgc using waste foundry sand

To resolve the problems of carbon emission from construction of concrete structures a sustainable concreting technique named “self-compacting geo-polymer concrete” is developed. The benefit of using this concreting technique is that the labour cost reduces due to its self compact-ability and it also solves the problem of disposal of industrial wastes. The present investigation is mainly focused on the hardened properties of self-compacting geo-polymer concrete with constant molarity alkaline solution and varying replacement of waste foundry sand with river sand to make low cost concreting technique. Test were performed such as Compression test, Split tensile test etc. Studies reveals that increasing the molarity of NaOH decreases the fresh properties but increased the compressive strength of SCGC.

Ankit S. Chakraborty, Raj L. Shah, Prayas B. Variya, Guide. Prof. Nikunj R. Patel
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