Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Chemical contaminants in drinking water in alshohada area omdurman – sudan

Water is essential for all known life forms. For many decades, people were wondering about the source of water, but the answer took long time. Clean drinking water is important for overall health and plays a substantial role in infant and child health and survival (Vega et al., 1998; Rao and Finch, 1989; Volesky, 1994). Today, we live in an era when all scientists tell us that war of the future will be for the water. These wars will occur because of the scarcity of pure water due to the environmental pollution. Therefore, scientists are searching for the remedy of water pollution. Our natural heritage (rivers, seas, and oceans) has been exploited, mistreated, and contaminated because of industrialization, globalization, population growth, urbanization with increased wealth, and more extravagant lifestyles. The scenario gets worse when the effluents or contaminants are discharged directly. In recent years, pollution has become one of the most important problems in the global context. When toxic substances enter water bodies like lakes, streams, rivers, aquifers, and oceans, naturally or through any human activity, they either get dissolved or lie suspended or deposited on the bed in water. This results in the contamination of water bodies whereby the quality of the water deteriorates and can cause diseases, illnesses, epidemics, and health problem to animals and plants (Coffey et al., 2007; Rao et al., 1989; Volesky and Holan, 1995). It has been suggested that it is the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases (Patterson, 1985) and that it accounts for the deaths of more than 14,000 people daily (West, 2006). Water has many vital functions in almost every mineral and metal processing operations as described, (mineral Processing and Hydrometallurgy), It is used as a carrier for fine solids, provides a column in which separation processes (jigging, flotation, classification) take place, is used in dust collection and cleaning systems, is employed in smelter refractory cooling systems and is a reagent in hydrometallurgical operations. The water inevitably picks up fine solid particles and soluble slats and organic materials in the course of this use necessitating purification treatment to make it suitable of recycling or before discharge to water courses is permitted .Water is a precious resource, essential for human, animal and plant life (in addition to its wide usage in process and construction industries), making conservation purification and recycle of water is a necessity to ensure its constant availability wherever needed. The searches for new cost-effective technologies for the removal of contaminants from wastewater are swiftly was recommending because huge pollution of water nowadays. This research aims to assess and estimation of inorganic contaminants in Alshohada region. The samples was collected from drinking water in Alshohada area and characterized using AAS and HPLC. The results illustrated that there are many mineral contaminants in samples.

Ardelshifa Mohammed Elhassan Mohammed
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