Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Cephalopod fisheries management and sustainable developpement in Morocco: a bayesien networks approach

The Bayesian networks approach is one of the main decision-making support systems (DMSS). For some applications, the Bayesian networks are preferable to other models (neural networks, multi-agent models, optimization models, macro-econometric models....). Moreover, the Bayesian networks are often used in conjunction with other decision-making support models. The number and the fields of applications of Bayesian networks are still limited. However, the Bayesian networks approach is very replied in the field of risk analysis, natural stock management, medical diagnoses ...; and it can be used in several other fields in order to give perfect analysis. This paper aims to present the methods that were used to develop decision-making support systems that apply Bayesian networks in the field of cephalopod fisheries management. This approach can be considered as a basic model in order to study the cephalopod fisheries sustainable developpement. This study has as an ambition to create and apply a Bayesian network to the cephalopod fishery management in Morocco.

Abdeslam Boudhar, Bouikhalene Belaid and Aomar Ibourk
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