Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Attitude of female adolescents towards hiv/aids

Aims/purpose: The present study was an attempt to assess their need of knowledge based on counseling among 13 to 17 year old adolescents. Methodology of study: The total sample for the present study included 400 adolescents i e 200 from different girl’s high schools and 200 from women’s colleges which are the most of HIV prevalence blocks of the Ganjam district of Odisha state. By using exploratory and the descriptive study design, the researcher attempts to describe female adolescents’ knowledge and understanding regarding HIV/AIDS, A scheduled questionnaire was used covering all aspects of HIV/ AIDS and observation methods were also used to collect the data from the adolescent girls. To analysis data the researcher used frequency percentages and the t- tests were computed. Findings: The study found out that out of 400,164(13.3%) respondents agree or just agree with the perception that they feel uneasy to discuss about sex and HIV/AIDS at the same time 27.5% respondents were not sure about the statement and more than a quarter of adolescents agree that HIV/AIDS is a punishment given by God for immoral behavior and the same proportion of them are not sure about the statement. Conclusion and Implications: The present study will help to focuses of adolescent’s level of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the attitude towards the disease or HIV infection .It indicates that adolescents have negative feelings or unknown of its consequence or they may hate the disease. Therefore the inadequate proper knowledge may lead the future generation in to the dark. Governments have undertaken initiatives to formulate their own nation and states specific polices to address some issues and evidence regarding the disease. People need extra guide line to increase coping skills and need for adequate support system. Right knowledge right action right time can change the life of an individual as well as the society.

Dr. Jyotsnarani Panda
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