Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Assessment of greenhouse gases from organic fraction of municipal solid waste of kurnool city, andhra pradesh, India

The major Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide which emit from the decomposition of biodegradable organic matter by anaerobic bacteria. The emission of these gases from decomposable organic fraction of municipal solid waste also contributes significantly to the global warming. The contribution of methane to global warming is 21 times higher than carbon dioxide. In developing countries the MSW has high decomposable organic matter. This would be the potential source for the GHG’s. Most of the Municipalities in India the MSW is being indiscriminately disposed at the dumping sites. This leads to emission of GHG gases, foul smell, birds and rodents menace, ground and surface water pollution. In the present case study the emission of GHG gas from organic fraction of MSW of Kurnool city has been estimated. At present every day 210 metric tons of MSW is collected which contains 49.70 metric tons of decomposable organic matter. This amounts to 23.66% of fraction of decomposable organic matter. Applying CMD Tool it is estimated that 76,650 tones of GHG CO2 equivalents of GHG’s per year.

Ramachar, T., Gupta, N.V.S., Ganesh, A. and Ujwala, G.
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