Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Assessment And Determination Of Selected Physical Parameters Of Surface Water In Cement Factory, Western Province, Rwanda

Cement is by far the most widely used man-made material. This study aimed at assessing and determining physical parameters of surface water in cement factory in Western Province of Rwanda. CIMERWA Ltd Plant is using the dry process method to produce cement. Water samples were collected from nine stations along the water course of CIMERWA Ltd Plant. The water samples were examined for physical analysis in WASAC Ltd laboratory using coloration methods, conductometric method and photometric method for pH, total dissolved solids, conductivity and turbidity. Temperature is measured using the digital thermometer. The results indicated that most of the physical parameters were within the recommended limits by Rwanda Standards Board for drinking water and discharged wastewater. It is recommended to regularly monitor of quality and quantity of wastewater produced by CIMERWA Ltd plant using the appropriate water treatment facilities.

1, *Emmanuel Nsabimana and 2, 3Hubert Hirwa
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