Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Assessement of oral health related knowledge, attitude and practice among the autorikshaw drivers in davengere city- a cross sectional study

Introduction: Work is a central element of an individual’s life, and is the main reference for determining patterns of identity and sociability, political activities, family life, access to economic resources and opportunities for achieving good health and well being. There are some working classes such as road transport drivers who work tirelessly behind the wheels, commuting the different places without adequate food, rest and sleep. These people work in unfavourable climatic conditions compounded but delays and break down. Due to hectic schedule, they commonly use tobacco as smoking and chewing form to relief stress and to keep them alert during travel. Aim: The study aims to assess the oral- health related knowledge, attitude and practices among auto drivers in Davengere city, Karnataka. Methods: A total of 50 autodrivers were surveyed regarding the oral health related knowledge, attitude and practices. A well structured and administered questionnaire including 13 questions was used to elicited the responses. The study was conducted during Feb 2016. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive statistics. Result: Study reveals 66% of participants had a good knowledge about fact that periodontal disease cause gum bleeding and 82% of them were aware that tobacco consumption causes oral cancer. 28% of the subjects brushed twice daily and 72% performed it once daily. 48 % of subjects knew that tooth decay is the disease that destroys the tooth; 86% used brushing as a method to clean the mouth while 14% used their fingers. Conclusion: The overall oral health related KAP among the autodrivers seems satisfactory but more oral health programs targeted for the goodwill of the community are needed to improve the same.

Padmaja S., Sumalatha, S., Mahesh, P.C., Reshma Raju and Abdul Saheer
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Journal Area: 
Health Sciences