Call for Papers : Volume 16, Issue 03, March 2025, Open Access; Impact Factor; Peer Reviewed Journal; Fast Publication

Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural   Natural  

Adaptability of the Cotton Growers of Telanganastate towards Climate Variability and Relationship with Profile

The present research conducted in Adilabad and Mahabubnagar districts of Telangana state was purposively selected for the study. A sample of 240 farmers was selected for the study.An ex-post facto research design was adopted. The analysis of the adaptability of the cotton growers indicates that the majority of the respondents had medium (65.83%) level of adaptation followed by high (18.33%) and low (15.83%) levels of adaptability.Farming experience, land holding, family size, achievement motivation, credit and subsidy orientation and risk orientation were positively and significantly related tothe extent of adaptation measures in combating climate variability. Age, annual income, extension contact, social participation, and Cosmo politeness preparedness to adaptation showed a non-significant relationship with the adaptability of cotton growers towards climate variability.

Mahesh, L., Ahire, R.D., Deshmuck P, R., Venkateshwar Rao, N.
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Life Sciences